June 10, 2016 Beauty Editor

Khloe Kardashian is the New Face of Kybella

Though the Kardashians have avoided acknowledging the use of skin care treatments such as Botox or dermal fillers to keep their younger-looking appearances on camera, it seems Khloe Kardashian has decided to go against this family trend—she put herself out there as the new “face of Kybella” earlier this year.

Then again, we can count on Khloe Kardashian to keep things real! With a face that constantly appears in the public eye and a public image with more than 50 million followers on Instagram, you always want to look your best!

This is why her partnership with Kybella—an FDA-approved non-surgical treatment to get rid of double chin—makes sense. She’s the new ambassador for the Kybella “Live Chin Up” campaign, a campaign designed to “encourage you to not let things that get in your way bother you” and to help “you do you.” You can catch the full low down of the campaign here: Live Chin Up.

Double chin getting you down?  Dr. Gerrish and Kybella can help You Do You!

What exactly is Kybella?Kybella Dr. Gerrish MedEsthetics in Vienna Virginia

Kybella is a prescription approved by the FDA to treat “double chin,” or the moderate to severe submental fat that develops under the chin. The treatment was tested by a group of plastic surgeons at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center and works like deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring substance in the body that absorbs fat for us.

How does Kybella work?

When injected in a specific area under the chin, Kybella destroys unwanted fat cells. When the cells are destroyed, they are eliminated from the body, and the healthy cells remain. Because it only requires a series of injections to work, Kybella is a great alternative for those who want to avoid surgery or liposuction.

How many treatments of Kybella does it take to see results, and how long do they last?

The number of injections and treatments varies per patient. Many patients receive somewhere between 15 and 30 injections per treatment over a series of two to three monthly treatments (treatments are spaced no less than a month apart), while others might need more or less of injections and treatments.  Each treatment takes less than a half an hour, and many patients report seeing results after two to four treatments. Results can last for several years following the right treatment protocol, which will vary between patients.

Is Kybella right for you?

Many who have a double chin are bothered by it but don’t want to go under the knife to get rid of it. Kybella now provides a safe and non-surgical way to get rid of unwanted fat under the chin for years to come.

Call today if you are ready to Live Chin Up. 703-555-5580.

Remember Kybella is part of the Allergan family of products so make sure you sign up for Brilliant Distinctions by Allergan  and receive savings and rewards on treatments and products from Allergan which can be redeemed here at Gerrish & Associates.

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